Goal Bank
Mix and match the following skills, supports, and materials below to create an individualized IEP goal for vocabulary.
Formula: Given [materials] and [supports], NAME will [vocabulary skill] in [criterion*].
- a tier 2 vocabulary word
- a multiple meaning word
- a category or topic
- a list of 10 words
- the context of a sentence
- a picture or an object
- a 4-6 sentence paragraph
- a short story or article
- a math word problem
- directions to an assignment
- a verbal prompt
- a graphic organizer
- a familiar visual
- a sentence frame (i.e. a ____ is a type of ____)
- a dictionary
- use a vocabulary strategy (i.e. context clues, part of speech, affixes/roots, etc.) to infer the meaning of an unknown word
- use context clues to determine the meaning of an unknown word
- state a word’s part of speech
- express a definition using the word’s prefix, suffix, and/or root
- express five related words
- describe using class, feature, and function
- state five category members
- identify one synonym and one antonym
- state the meaning of 5 common prefixes and 5 common suffixes
- state the meaning of an underline vocabulary word
- Given a sentence containing an unknown word and a familiar visual, [name] will use a vocabulary strategy - i.e. context clues, affixes/root words, part of speech, etc. - to infer the meaning of an unknown word in 80% of opportunities across three consecutive probing sessions.
- Given a picture or an object and a sentence frame (i.e. __ is a type of __ that has a __ and is used for…), [name] will describe using class, feature, and function in 4/5 opportunities across three consecutive probes.
- Given a word in the context of a sentence, [name] will independently state the part of speech - i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb - in 4/5 of opportunities across three consecutive therapy sessions.
*Criterion should be individualized based upon student’s current skill level. For examples of various criterion as applied to vocabulary, see example goals above.
Helpful Resources for Vocabulary:
Making Inferences
Mix and match the following skills, supports, and materials below to create an individualized IEP goal for making inferences.
Formula: Given [materials] and [supports], NAME will [inferencing skill] in [criterion*].
- a photo or illustration
- a wordless picture book
- a photo paired with a sentence
- one to two sentences of text
- a 4-6 sentence paragraph
- an auditory passage
- a short fictional story or video
- a nonfiction article or video
- a variety of text and materials (i.e. stories, articles, poems, videos, etc.)
- a verbal prompt
- a graphic organizer
- a familiar visual
- a sentence frame (i.e. I think __ because the text says __ and I know __)
- a set of comprehension questions
- combine visual evidence with background knowledge to make an inference
- differentiate between literal and inferential questions
- accurately respond to inferential questions
- infer a character’s motivation or emotion
- formulate an inference and identify one visual clue to support it
- formulate an inference and identify the most important evidence from the text to support it
- generate an inferential ‘why’ or ‘how’ question
- infer why key vocabulary words were used in the text
- support an inference with text evidence
- make and describe one connection to their own background knowledge
- determine text structure by underlining signal words (i.e. because, such as, first/next/last, therefore, etc.)
- Given a photo or illustration, [name] will independently generate an inferential ‘why’ or ‘how’ question in 4/5 opportunities across three consecutive probing sessions.
- Given a short auditory passage and a set of comprehension questions, [name] will accurately differentiate between literal andinferential comprehension questions in 85% of opportunities across three consecutive probing sessions.
- Given a variety of texts and materials (i.e. article, video, poem) and a graphic organizer, [name] will support an inference using text evidence in 3/4 opportunities across three consecutive probing sessions.
*Criterion should be individualized based upon student’s current skill level. For examples of various criterion as applied to inferencing, see example goals above.